Yesterday morning I was contacted
by the aunt of one of my blog followers. I was taken aback by the call, as I’m
super busy finalizing details for my upcoming event (Cupcakes & Cocktails).
The caller sounded unsure as to whom she wanted to speak with. As I waited to try and catch the voice she
asked if she could speak with “The LupieChick”. I paused as I knew this was a Lupus related question as no one
refers to me as the Lupie Chick in conversation. I acknowledged that I was the
person she was looking for and she began to tell me about her niece, Mishinda.
Mishinda was 26 years old, mother
of 2, and had passed away from complications of Lupus on Sunday, February 24, 2013.
I instantly felt my heart break (literally, I had a pain in my chest) as she began
to speak about Mishinda. It pains me to hear stories of anyone lost their fight with Lupus. Funny thing, she didn’t sound sad. She was
laughing and telling me how Mishinda loved my blog and my willingness to just
say whatever I wanted. Her favorite post was Am I Being A Bitch Or a Baby
We laughed as I was slightly embarrassed by the title of that post. Mishinda referred
to me as a pistol whipper ( She commented that she looked forward
to my daily pictures of me smiling (I haven’t
posted any pictures of my face in a while, as I’m going through a flare up and
have the butterfly rash across my face
) and my reference to Lupus as Mister.
Then, she suddenly her tone of voice became serious. She stated that Mishinda asked her family to find me and get in
contact with me because she wanted to speak to me. “ME????? “ Was my reply, as I never had any interaction
with Mishinda? The family tried feverishly to find me, finally coming across my
Facebook page, in which has my phone number listed. She asked me if I would
attend the candle light virgil on Friday night to honor Mishinda. --- INSERT A
PAUSE AND A LUMP IN MY THROAT—ME???? Ya’ll know I have a fear of public speaking.
She replied- YES, we would like you to come and speak. I told her that I’m
not a medical professional, I refrain from giving medical advice, and I can
only speak about my experiences and my desire to bring awareness. Her reply: “BE
After I stop crying, and
contacted a few friends, as I was unsure if I should attend. I questioned my
ability to speak publicly (I have a MAJOR
fear…. stomach is in knots RIGHT now as I think about it), I questioned
what would my presence bring, can I meet Mishinda’s expectations or the families
expectations, what would I stand up there and say??, sweating, stiff and straight like
a statue with nothing coming outta my mouth?? [Oh my!]. All my friends encouraged
me to do it and to let God guide my words. I realize the honor and blessing. I
pray that I can deliver and fight through this fear. I will attend the candle light service, and
honor my lupie sister Mishinda the best way I know how. I can hear my siStar
now “Sixx, You better werk hunty” ( DO THAT!!!!!
Fam, I write this blog with no
hidden agenda. My ONLY agenda is to share my life, and my experience with
Lupus. I have no idea the number of people with whom my blog had inspired, made
laugh, cry, or angry but I’m grateful to each and every one of you. Mishinda has encouraged me to
continue to push, fight, and advocate for all Lupie Chicks. I NOW realize that Lupus
is my ministry. It’s my duty to be a voice and a face for the invisible disease.
Please keep me prayed up as I enter this new chapter of my life. #LupieChicks
Facebook Fan Page:
Twitter: @lupieeChick
Instagram: @naturally_lupie
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The information contained in this blog is MY EXPERIENCE. It is not intended to be used for the diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or as a substitute for consulting a licensed medical professional.Please keep comments clean and friendly. I don't want to send anyone to time out, but any comments that aren't so nice, or are solely for commercial or self-promotional purposes, will be moderated.