Tell us your story

Please feel free to tell us your Lupus story and please bear in mind that everything you say can be anonymous ( if you choose). If you dont mind sharing pictures, please keep photos to a limit ( no more than 4). Email me to participate @ To make it easy on you just copy and paste the questions when you compose to message.  


There are a number of areas in which we have a particular interest:

  1. How did you know that something was wrong?

  2. When and how did you find out you had lupus?
  3. How has life changed since your diagnosis?

  4. What are some of the biggest challenges of living with a chronic illness?

  5. What are some common misunderstandings about lupus?

  6. How has living with lupus affected your career?

  7. Is there any advice you would like to share with fellow sufferers and any resources you would recommend?


Thanks for your participation which is very much appreciated.

Best wishes

The Lupie Chick