Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Despite widespread doubt, the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles upheld the decision to execute Troy Davis this Wednesday.Still, Troy has refused to have a "last meal." He has faith his life will be spared.In the past, his tremendous faith has been rewarded.
The last time Troy faced execution, in 2008, the warden brought in what was to be his last meal. But Troy refused to eat. Looking the prison staff in their eyes, he explained this meal would not be his last. He was vindicated when he received a last minute stay.
Guards still remember this as a haunting moment, one rooted in Troy's deep faith. Still, there is every sign the state of Georgia intends to execute Troy this time--despite calls for them to stop by everyone from the former head of the FBI, William Sessions, to former US President Jimmy Carter. Troy has prepared himself, and to the extent anyone can, his family, for either outcome. As he has said many times "They can take my body but not my spirit, because I have given my spirit to God."Thus, even as we continue to call on the Board of Pardons and Parole and Savannah District Attorney Larry Chisolm to reconsider, we must be prepared for either outcome too.
Please stand with Troy and his family. Join NAACP activists around the country in an evening of solidarity, prayer, and fasting on Wednesday, September 21st.Ask friends to meet up. Ask your family to fast Wednesday evening in solidarity with Troy's family and use the dinner hour to talk. Ask your faith community, if they already have a Wednesday night fellowship planned, to make time for conversation about Troy's scheduled execution.
However you do it, please mark the 7 o'clock hour on that evening--the time of Troy's scheduled execution--as a moment to reflect on Troy's experience, to offer prayers for his family and that of Officer MacPhail, and to talk about what we can each do to ensure our nation never does this again.
This is a moment to rededicate ourselves to the struggle to end the death penalty and otherwise fix our nation's broken justice system.To honor Troy's courage, and rededicate ourselves to the cause of justice in America, NAACP activists are asked to fast Wednesday evening. While moments like this test the limits of our understanding, we do know the world will remember Troy's name, and the movement against the death penalty will grow. People who thought they supported capital punishment yesterday will realize they cannot today. Because people who thought they could stand on the sidelines will realize they no longer can.As the scorn of the world grows and the doubts within our nation grow as well, we will increasingly realize this barbarous tradition--practiced by virtually no other western nation--is inconsistent with our self image as a fair and freedom-loving society.
should the execution actually occur this time, Troy's life and the fight to save it will not have been in vain - we will move forward with more allies and an even wider consensus about the urgency of our cause. Please join your fellow activists Wednesday for an evening of prayers, fasting, reflection, and recommitment to the struggle for justice.With prayers and determination,Benjamin Todd Jealous, President and CEO, NAACP Click here to read more about Troy Davis This article courtesy of BSN ( Black Star News)
“The struggle for justice doesn’t end with me. This struggle is for all the Troy Davises who came before me and all the ones who will come after me. I’m in good spirits and I’m prayerful and at peace. But I will not stop fighting until I’ve taken my last breath.” Troy Davis
Monday, September 19, 2011
A Spiritual Disconnect
Spirit: P.U.S.H (Pray Until Something Happen).
Self: What else can happen?? I’ve already gotten my world rocked praying didn’t fix it or make it go away…
Spirit: P.U.S.H (Pray Until Something Happen).
Self: You know what- if you can’t say something other than that- THAN HUSH!
Spirit: P.U.S.H (Pray Until Something Happen).
No matter how hard I try, negative thoughts about Lupus creep in. I realize that although this disease hasn’t completely taken over my body, but I also realize that it can and at some point-it will.
To Eliminate: Learn to become aware instantly when a negative thought arises. Remind yourself it is not good for you or others, and it is not spiritual. Create the mental habit to switch the negative thought with something else, immediately. The negative thought pattern needs to be broken, so even thinking of a pencil stops the process.
To be honest, I’m angry that I have this disease. Yes, I’ve heard a thousand times the I was chosen for this, I had no control , blah, blah, blah, - that’s NOT helping my anger AT ALL. Maybe I need therapy; maybe I just need to get it out one good time- but I’m angry!
To Eliminate: become aware of why you are angry and notice that it is not bringing any kind of benefit to you at all. As soon as you become aware that you are angry, the destructive cycle and pattern of anger ends. Remember, if you are angry do not control or suppress it, but express it. Communication when calm helps conflict.
The other day, someone looked at me and said “relax” . They said they could see the tension. Yes, I’m tense, my body hurt, I find my self sitting in somewhat uncomfortable positions to relieve my self of knee pain or back pain.
To Eliminate: In the moment, take a deep breath. In the long run, learn to stretch your body and meditate a few times a day. This will help you become more relaxed physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Disclaimer: The information included on this blog is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
“Get thee behind me, Satan”
I’m getting tired of feeling like my body is being invaded by some sought of instrument or medication. I clearly understand that these tests are necessary for my treatment plan but I don’t have to like it or pretend to like it. I’ve rescheduled these tests 2 x’s over the last 2 weeks. Each time I was previously scheduled, I would feel like a million bucks- no need in fixing something that ain't broke- right? WRONG……. the very next day after I would cancel the appointment(s), I would feel like negative .50 cents. My mind is playing tricks on me (in my Scarface voice), how can I feel like my ole self-{stepping up in the building like I paid the light bill} to the next day wanting to crawl under a rock. I felt so saucy one day- I actually went to work with a naked (face)-I didn’t wear any makeup. I prepped my face, caught a glimpse of myself and my alter ego said "Your Mz. Sixx Bish!"Rock OUT!!!
I put all the makeup away, pulled my hair up in a bun, whipped out my brand new pair of 5 inch stilettos’ and Naomi Campbell walked out of the house. On my way to work, the late mix was on the Russ Par Morning Show- and they played Biggie!!!! ** Ya’ll know I was wilding out in the car!!!!!- Diddy bopping and fist pumping down route 29.
Fast forward 4 hours
my feet were swollen and aching like I’d been stopping traffic with them, my face looked like I fell head first in a oil slick ( face was GREASY, and OILY) and my -oh -so -fly bun, looked like a busted ponytail done in the dark.
WTH?? Then to make me feel even worse- that gangster nurse at my doctors office called me and “set “me straight about the tests (I kept cancelling).
So, right now I’m (emotionally) eating everything under the sun, dropping a couple of tears, and attempting to pull it together. I’m scared, nauseous, and wish I could take a couple of ciroc shots.
I keep telling myself “Get thee behind me, Satan” as I make arrangements for transportation to/from my appointments tomorrow. I'm feeling weak & I dont want to go. I ask all of you to keep me prayed up and covered.
Friday, September 9, 2011
The Lupus Diet
While surfing the web yesterday for my post Eat this... Dont eat that! I came across a site titled
"Can Lupus, and Lupus Hair Loss be Tamed with a Lupus Diet?". I found this to be very interesting (1.) I have Lupus and have never heard of a Lupus diet, and (2.) My hair is falling out :(
As I began to read the article, I was happy to see that a specific listing of foods was provided to help boost the immune system. I was never one to count calories nor could I rattle off the top of my head what food are enriched in specific vitamins (outside of the obvious- vitamin C- oranges, etc). So the list with specific foods, I found to be very helpful. After yesterdays posting, I was feeling like there werent anything I could eat- and I was hungry. With the list below I now feel like I have options!
Top 10 immune system boosters include, which supply the highest levels of these nutrients, are beets, shiitake mushrooms, avocado, curly kale, grapefruit, blueberry, brazil nuts, soy beans, green tea and garlic.
Other top immune boosters include sweet potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, yams, red bell peppers, tomatoes, rhubarb, pumpkin, chili peppers, avocados.
Cruciferous vegetables, watercress, nettle, spinach, Belgian endive, globe artichokes, arugula, kiwi, pineapple, papayas, mangoes, guava, cantaloupe, passion fruits, citrus fruits, bananas, grapes, berries, rosehips, hazelnuts, apples.
Endive, walnuts, cashews, almonds, pistachio nuts, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, safflower oil, evening primrose oil, sesame seed and oil, aduki beans, oats, wheat germ, quinona, bulgur, rice, corn, kidney beans, lima beans, green beans, lentils, snow peas, turkey, pheasant, duck, chicken, fresh tuna, salmon, anchovy, mackerel.
Shrimp, yogurt, peppermint, chamomile, rosemary, ginger and turmeric. These foods all contain an abundance of nutrients with antioxidant, immune restoring or anti-inflammatory properties.
3 Objectives of The Lupus Diet
Proper diet is required not only for people with Lupus but there are some special considerations when it comes to Lupus dieting. There are three objectives of the diet and these are to counteract steroid therapy, to stock up on your potassium, and to replace the nutrients that you have lost. for you to be able to reach these objectives here are some information that you will have to keep in mind.
Control your fat Intake
For the Lupus diet, you have to control your fat intake. The omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish oils are also proven to lessen your risk of encountering coronary artery diseases. this Lupus diet is very important to those who are high risk for these certain conditions such as women with Lupus, or those who have hereditary tendencies.
Recommended Vitamins And which to Avoid
Taking in supplements when you are in a Lupus diet should not be done without consulting with your physician. There are certain vitamins that are not recommended for you since these will worsen your condition such as Vitamin a which can exacerbate autoimmunity and Vitamin E which will induce the remission of Lupus. on the other hand, there are helpful vitamins too such as Vitamin D which helps in managing osteoporosis, Vitamin B12 and folic acid that treat some forms of anemia. Herbal supplements too should not be taken without a doctor’s prescription, since there are some that are totally restricted for you.
The food Avoid
Alfalfa is one of the foods that should be totally avoided in a Lupus diet since this one can trigger symptoms that are Lupus-like or more commonly referred to as Lupus flares. these Lupus flares induced by alfalfa can be fatigue and muscle pain, blood test result abnormalities, nephritic problems and changes with how the immune system functions. Researches have found out that L-canavanine, an amino acid that is found in alfalfa activates the immune system, and can aggravate inflammation. Not all Lupus symptoms can be eliminated but many symptoms can be controlled to at least have a normal live.
If you have tried the Lupus Diet- comment and let me know how it worked-or didnt work or you.
Related Articles:
Can Lupus, and Lupus Hair Loss be Tamed with a Lupus Diet?
Lupus Diet – How to Make Your Lupus Symptoms Better
Disclaimer: The information included on this blog is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Eat This... Don't Eat That!
I dont enjoy my food or feel satisfied after I eat. I’m always worried that I ate the wrong thing, did the hubby put something in the food I wasn’t suppose to have[he cooks a lot of our meals during the week], what if I get sick, what if I get a flare up? With all of that swirling around my head, I can’t eat or enjoy my food.
I took to the Internet to see what other Lupies are eating- BIG MISTAKE! I’m more confused than ever. My doctor is suggesting that I do a gluten free eating plan. Others have suggested I do a vegetarian eating plan (the two conflicts with each other). I’m making an appointment with a nutritionist and hopefully will have a clear understanding what I should and should NOT be eating.
In the mean time, some of the common foods I’ve discovered that I Should Not Eat are:
Alfalfa seeds and sprouts should be avoided because they contain an amino acid called L-canavanine. This amino acid can aggravate the symptoms of lupus.
Animal meats, dairy, eggs, nori seaweed, and peanuts contain arachidonic acid. When used excessively, arachidonic acid can actually be destructive to the body.
Beans and mushrooms contain amines and hydrazines, which increase lupus symptoms.
Oils like corn, poppy seed, safflower, and sunflower, cured meats and hotdogs actually encourage lupus episodes because they contain components that have been proven to trigger lupus symptoms.
Eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, and white potatoes, called nightshade vegetables, should be avoided because they contain solanine, an agent that triggers inflammation and pain common to lupus sufferers.
Sulfur-containing veggies such as cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale and cauliflower. These may be difficult for many lupus sufferers to digest without upset.
Fats. It's suggested fat reduction can produce up to a 25% improvement in the aches and pains of a lupus patient.
Herbs like andrographis, echinacea, eleutherococcus, garlic, ginseng, and Panax should be taken with caution since they are known to increase autoimmunity.
Iron should come from food, not dietary supplements because it could promote joint destruction, pain, and swelling.
To Summarize-Don't Eat This!
- Caffeine, dairy, foods high in saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol
- Red meats and high fat meats like organ meats, and dark meats.
- Alcoholic beverages, salty foods, sugar sweetened beverages, candy, snacks, sweets, and alfalfa sprouts.
You should Eat THIS!
Foods high in iron. Eating leafy green vegetables, fish, and lean meat like liver can help offset your risk of anemia. Many breakfast cereals are also fortified with iron.
Fish. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring, contain natural anti-inflammatory substances and may help reduce swelling and inflammation associated with systemic lupus. Your lupus diet should include plenty of fish.
Antioxidants. Many fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants, which are natural healers. Berries, apricots, and sweet potatoes are especially good sources.
Vitamins. Vitamin E, zinc, vitamin A, and the B vitamins are all beneficial in a lupus diet. Vitamin C can increase your ability to absorb iron and is a good source of antioxidants.
To summarize-Do the following!
- Include: chicken breast, lean beef, wild salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, rainbow trout, tuna (canned light), crab, oysters, tilapia, cod, pacific oysters into your diet
- Remove skin from poultry because that is where the most saturated fat is located
- Look for lean meats around 99%
- Broil and grill vs. pan fried with oil, deep fried, and breading.
- It is important to incorporate fish into your diet around 3-4 times a week
- Practice portion control - meat should not take up ½ of your plate, it should be more like ¼
- Beneficial fish oils to consider include: evening primrose oil and flaxseed.
- When you are thirsty, replace soda and tea with water
The Lupie Chick is H-U-N-G-R-Y! If any of you have any advice or any recipes please share.
Disclaimer: The information included on this blog is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
I'm walking for Lupus!
As you may know, lupus has a personal face for me. I was diagnosed earlier this summer and currently battle this disease on a daily basis. After hearing about a 19 year old young lady with a 4 month old child losing her battle to Lupus, it has driven me to stay healthy, bring awareness, and push for a cure. Living with my own personal struggle remind me that we have so far to go in battling this disease.
To do my part, I'm walking on September 24, 2011 to raise money. The money will go to the Lupus Foundation of America, DC, Maryland and Virginia Chapter (LFA-DMV). LFA-DMV provides free education and support services to lupus patients and their families. Money will also go to support research, because they believe, as I do, that one day this awful disease will have a cure.
To reach this year's goal, and my personal goal, I need your help. You can make a secure online donation through my personal website. Click here on this link to make a difference in the lives of as many as 320,000 people (80,000 patients and 4 of their closest friends/family members.) If you do not wish to make a donation online, simply click here, fill out this form, make a check payable to LFA - DMV Chapter, and mail the check and the form to our offices at: 2000 L St, NW suite 415 Washington, DC. When your donation is received, it will be credited to the total on the Walk's webpage.
Making a difference starts with just one step. So, walk with me in spirit as I walk through Druid Park to raise money and awareness.
Thank you in advance for taking that step with me.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Depression and Guilt
I realize that dealing with Lupus and the symptoms affect my emotional health and my family. I’ve begun to notice that my mini me ( daughter) is always checking on me ( more than usual), she is always saying “ mom are you ok”. She text me a lot and when we are home alone she lays beside me in the bed, as if she is watching over me. She even said to me the other day “why are you doing that- you know you’re going to make your head hurt”. All I could think about was the young lady’s child who is only 4 months old most likely won’t remember her, why did the disease have to attack her and take her away from her child, her family, and her friends? Why was she chosen as oppose to me or someone else? WHY? WHY? WHY?
I started surfing the web for help- I was an emotional wreck, and I needed some clarity. I ran across this statement: You may feel agitated or angry, and find it difficult to concentrate, relax or sleep. You may also feel guilty, as you realize your family is now going to have to take up the chores you normally do. This stage of emotional distress then gives way to bouts of depression, sadness, silence and withdrawal from family and friends. During this time, you may be prone to sudden outbursts of tears, set off by reminders of your inability to perform simple tasks, and memories of your old lifestyle. Over time, the pain, sadness and depression start to lessen. You begin to see your life in a more positive light again. The final phase of grieving is to let go of the thoughts of being able to return completely to your old lifestyle and move on with your new life. This helps any lingering depression to clear, and your sleeping patterns and energy levels improve.
Reading that made me understands that what I’m feeling is normal and it’s a process. I have to take one day at a time, work through the grief, pain, and the guilt. I will honor her (the lady that lost her battle) by NOT giving into depression, and not giving up on life.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Venus Williams and Sjogren's Syndrome
Venus Williams a seven-time Grand Slam singles champion, pulled out of the U.S. Open yesterday and said she has Sjogren’s syndrome.
Venus said in a statement issued at the Open in New York and reiterated today on ABC’s “Good Morning America”
"I’m really disappointed to have to withdraw from this year’s U.S. Open. I have recently been diagnosed with Sjogren’s Syndrome, an autoimmune disease which is an ongoing medical condition that affects my energy level and causes fatigue and joint pain.” She added: “I enjoyed playing my first match here and wish I could continue but right now I am unable to. I am thankful I finally have a diagnosis and am now focused on getting better and returning to the court soon.”
Sjogren's (SHOW-grins) syndrome is a disorder of your immune system identified by its two most common symptoms — dry eyes and a dry mouth.
Sjogren's syndrome often accompanies other immune-system disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. In Sjogren's syndrome, the mucous membranes and moisture-secreting glands of your eyes and mouth are usually affected first — resulting in decreased production of tears and saliva.
Although Sjogren’s isn’t life-threatening, it is an incurable condition where the immune system starts attacking glands that produce tears and saliva instead of fighting infection, according to Arthritis Research U.K. Around a half- million people in the U.K. suffer from the condition, which is usually diagnosed in women between the ages of 40 and 60. The American College of Rheumatology’s website said between 400,000 and 3.1 million people are affected in the U.S.
The exact trigger of the disease isn't quite clear, Mizutani said {Wesley Mizutani, a rheumatologist on staff at Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center}."That's the million-dollar question," he said. "We don't really know. There's probably a genetic component, certainly, but there's more than that."Certain antibodies are associated with Sjogren's, but it seems to need a trigger, like a viral or bacterial infection, for the immune system to go awry.
Once set off, the system can't really be fixed -- but certain steps can be taken to mitigate the symptoms for the vast majority of patients. Keeping eyedrops and a bottle of water nearby are two such easy measures. Brushing after every meal and otherwise good dental hygiene are a must.
More extreme measures can also be taken, from anti-malarial to autoimmune suppressant drugs.
But, Mizutani pointed out, it could be worse. "If I had to choose an autoimmune disease to get, Sjogren's would be one of the milder ones."
I'm sending prays and positivity to Venus Williams, like my friends and family have told me " God is Able"
Get well soon-
Love you Venus xoxoxoxoxoxo
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