Thursday, August 2, 2012

Get past the excuses!

** In my Sunshine Anderson Voice** “I’ve heard it all before-all the excuses why you (me) can't work out.  I’ve decided to get up off the cough, bury the excuses and get moving!!!! My body is going down and it’s time for me to pick it up!!!!! I’m tackling my destructive habits, done with the pity party, and instead of investing in spanx (I’ve been known to wear 2 pair of spanx at one time-pretty much cutting off my circulation and the ability to wobble or drop it low I will invest in work out gear and equipment.
I went for a brisk walk yesterday for the first time since being diagnosed with lupus (July 2011). I told ya’ll that every time I make up my mind to workout-mister ole evil ass creep in. On my way home-it started raining, more like storming.. ok.. I’ll do the Zumba on the wii,**no excuses** mid way home, migraine was coming on.. NOPE-whipped out my peppermint essential oil and was rubbing my temples like my life depended on it ** no excuses**-Guess what?? I got home-it had stopped raining, and my migraine was fading to black… ITS ON!!!!!!!
I put on my T-shirt, leggings, and sneakers and hit the pavement.
** Please note the Lupus T-shirt, Lupus Bracelet, and purle shadow-#LupusAwareness EVERYDAY**
 Showing support to Running For Lupus with the "L" Hand Sign

When I was through I was a sweaty mess.. But I was ecstatic that I completed DAY 1 workout and didn’t cave into any excuses!!!! Below is my stats from the workout-using the sports tracker app on Android

The Top 6 Exercise Excuses and How to Beat Them

Just like everyone else, people with lupus need to exercise regularly or engage in some kind of movement, and most people with lupus can take part in some form of activity.
 We all know that being physically active makes you healthier; you'll sleep better, feel happier and more energetic. But when it comes time to actually get out there and start moving, many of us have a long list of excuses not to exercise -- too little time, too little energy, or we simply don't like to work out.

How can you get past the excuses and get moving.

Exercise Excuse No. 1: "I Don't Have Time."

During your TV shows, use resistance bands, or walk in place. Or use Tivo so you can skip the commercials and see a one-hour show later in just 40 minutes, That's 20 minutes of activity right there. Better yet, turn off the TV and spend your newfound time working out.
Music-When we moved into our new home, we didn't have cable for a week or so- we turned on the radio, I realized that most stations have an online presence so I could still hear my go-go and Biggie. I was moving and grooving all around the house.  
Your exercise doesn't have to be a formal workout either. Try making small lifestyle changes that help you move more: take the stairs instead of the escalator, don't drive when you can walk, and get a pedometer and try to increase the number of steps you take throughout the day.

People who exercise regularly make it a habit.  They haven't bought any more time during the day than anyone else. What we've done is prioritize it. We find time for things we value.

Exercise Excuse No. 2: "I'm Too Tired."

It may sound counter intuitive, but working out actually gives you more energy. Once you get moving, your fatigue will likely disappear.

You're getting the endorphins [feel-good hormones in your body] to release, and you're getting the circulation going -- as opposed to coming home and crashing on the couch.

It may help to work out in the morning, before you get wiped out by a demanding workday.  If you're not a morning person, don't worry, just work out whenever you feel the best.

Exercise Excuse No. 3: "I Don't Get a Break From the Kids."

Take the kids with you. While they're swinging, you can walk around the playground or the backyard, or jump rope. Walk the kids to school instead of driving them. During their soccer games or practices, walk briskly around the field.

Use your family time for active pursuit. Go biking with your kids or just walk around the neighborhood with your children. When the weather's bad, try active video games (Zumba, & Michael Jackson Experience are my favorites), dancing, at home work out videos ( my buddy told me that Julian Michael's videos are the #TRUTH).

Remember that your fitness is good for your kids as well as you. When mom or dad is more fit, has more energy, the whole family benefits.

Exercise Excuse No. 4: "Exercise Is Boring."

You should want it and feel good about it before you do it. And it should feel good while you're doing it."

So how do you get there? First, find an activity you love. Think outside the box: Join a sports league (I’m thinking about joining the kickball league next season). Or, if you love music, line dancing ( can you say wobble!!!!).  There's an exercise for everyone.

If it makes exercise more enjoyable for you, it's OK to watch TV or read while you're on the exercise bike or treadmill -- just don't forget to pedal or run.

Working out with a group also helps many people. Not everybody's cut out to go on a six-mile run by themselves.To find a group, look at meetups ( or simply recruit several friends.

Every once in a while, try something totally new. Mix it up so you don't get bored.

Exercise Excuse No. 5: "I Just Don't Like to Move."

There are people who really enjoy not moving. They prefer to knit, read books, or watch TV.

If it's sweating you don't like, you can get a good workout without perspiring excessively.You can work out indoors, where it's air conditioned. You can swim so you won't notice any perspiration. Or, try a low-sweat activity like yoga.

If exercise hurts your joints, try starting by exercising in water. The stronger your muscles get, the more they can support your joints, and the less you'll hurt. If you’re physical limitations is more serious, check with your doctor/coach who can help you figure out exercises that are still safe and easy to do.

If you don't like to move because you feel too fat, start with an activity that's less public, like using an exercise video at home. Walk with nonjudgmental friends in your neighborhood while wearing clothes that provide enough coverage that you feel comfortable.
Exercise Excuse No. 6: "I Always End up Quitting."

Set small, attainable goals. Then you're more likely to feel like a success, not a failure. If you exercise for five minutes a day for a week, you'll feel good -- and more likely to want to try 10 minutes a day the next week.

It also helps to keep a log and post it somewhere public (follow hash tag #DivaGettingFit on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook).
 Having an exercise buddy keeps you accountable as well. My buddy is my sista friend Gayna. She encourages me, provides LOADS of tips, and holds me accountable.  Thanks BUDDY!!!!!

It's harder to start exercising than to stick with it once you've got your momentum going. Start a healthy habit today... you will feel better and will want to continue your healthy lifestyle everyday!

If lupus has you on the sidelines rather than in the middle of the action, this new low-impact exercise program, designed specifically for people with lupus, may be “just right” for you. Guided by a licensed A.C.E. instructor who also has lupus, this DVD offers a gentle fitness routine that you can practice in the comfort of your own home. The goal is not to become a super model but to get moving—and to improve your well-being in the process. DVD, 27 minutes.

Disclaimer: All exercise plans should be discussed with your physician or exercise specialist in order to maximize results and minimize possible harm.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Trying to get bootylicious for ya'll ( well for me)

I’m back!!!!!! Sorry I was gone for so long- I’ve been doing Lupus walks, hosting lupus awareness events, and I was promoted and relocated to Atlanta, Ga.  A lot of you have kept up with me via social networks, and I promise to blog and not abandon you guys.
Overall I’m doing great-I’m not in a flare up, I’m controlling my stress ( sometimes), my skin is clearing ( I had a few stress induced breakouts a few months ago) and my hair is back thriving, growing, and healthy.  Now my weight on the other hand… errrr…. ummm yeah…
The time had come for me to do something about all this jelly I’m walking around with.  I’ve been really uncomfortable in my skin since packing on 26 pounds (thanks to predisone). My clothing are  too tight, my breast got larger, feet got bigger/wider, and I got a booty ( I’ll keep the booty for $300 Alex) after I eat, I look 5 months pregnant and my tummy leaves an imprint in my maxi dresses ( not cute). I have been in denial for months- telling myself- I’m thick, I look ok- I can wear this weight- UMMMMMNNN .. STOP PLAYING AND FOOLING YOURSELF DIVA… its unhealthy and it DO NOT LOOK GOOD.
I think my son tried to drop a hint on me a few weeks ago, when I asked him to grab me a soda ( while in Wal-Mart) he said “ which one? “, I replied “ the Pepsi” he said “ you know they have diet right?” ummmm BOY HAND ME THE DAMN SODA! ** THAT’S WHAT I WAS YELLING IN MY INSIDE VOICE TO MYSELF** I looked at him and said “you got jokes”, he said “I was just showing you”. No baby boy was telling me I was fat and I need to be on a diet!
Over the last few weeks I’ve been preparing myself and getting my mental in order. I’ve stop purchasing soda ( I don’t bring it in the house), cut WAAAAAAAYYYYY down on my cupcake consumption ( I haven’t had one in 3 weeks), down to 1 cup of coffee a day, have increased my veggie intake, and making healthy choices with my desserts (frozen Yo plait whips are the best!!!). I’ve explained to my husband and kids- this is a lifestyle change FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! I will not cook multiple meals or buy grocery for me and a separate set for them- NO SIR- GOING BACK OLD SCHOOL- EAT WHAT I COOK OR STARVE (that’s what my mamma use to say).  I will not “diet” or do anything unhealthy- we all know they don’t work and I need to make lifestyle changes that I can live with forever.  I’m a work in progress but I have my eye on the prize.

I know I need to incorporate an exercise routine- BUT THE LORD KNOWS I HATE THE GYM!!!! **yikes**.  I’m not in a financial position to join a gym right now-so I will use my FREE resources ( NO EXCUSES). There is a park not too far from my house with a walking trail, there is a walking path in my neighborhood, and during inclement weather I will use my WII fit ( that i have YET to use). I will purchase a jump rope, hula hoop,hand weights, and resistance bands. ** I already have sneakers, and workout gear-just haven't used them**

Mister (my lupus) has been playing tricks on me! EVERY TIME I say I’m going to work out- he wanna show off, aches and pains in my legs, knees, and feet. I gave into his foolishness for a while- BUT BABY (in my Chrisette Michelle voice) it’s OVER NOW!!!!!! NO MORE EXCUSES!!! I’M NOT HAVING IT.

In order to track my progress, I needed to take my measurements and face the ugly truth.  $hit got real when I took my body measurements-BABBBYYYYYY- I was so embarrassed and angry.
My stats as of July 31st
Weight-217.50-DO NOBODY SAY I DON’T LOOK LIKE I WEIGH THAT MUCH- THE TRUTH OF MATTER IS- I DO!!!!!!! Trust me – I weighed myself 3 times to be sure
Stomach -41 inches
Breast -36 inches
Left thigh-24 inches
Right thigh-25 inches
Waist 41.5 inches
Health & Fitness CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!
NO COOKIES/CAKE| CHIPS| COLA (including diet)| caffeine for 30 DAYS
Drink 1 green smoothie (minimum) 3 days a week 30 days
Minimum of (1) meatless meal per week (for 30 days)
30-60 minutes of moderate exercise 3 days a week for 30 days
·         Start slowly and build up gradually. Give yourself plenty of time to warm up and cool down with easy walking or gentle stretching. Then speed up to a pace you can continue for five to 10 minutes without getting overly tired. As your stamina improves, gradually increase the amount of time you exercise. Work your way up to 30 to 60 minutes of exercise most days of the week.
·         Break things up if you have to. You don't have to do all your exercise at one time. Shorter but more-frequent sessions have aerobic benefits, too. Fifteen minutes of exercise a couple of times a day may fit into your schedule better than a single 30-minute session.
·         Be creative. Maybe your workout routine includes various activities, such as walking, bicycling or (line) dancing ** try doing to cupid shuffle, wobble, and booty call, back to back, and see if you don’t break a sweat! #trust you will**
·         Listen to your body. If you feel pain, shortness of breath, dizziness or nausea, take a break. You may be pushing yourself too hard.
·         Be flexible. If you're not feeling good, give yourself permission to take a day or two off.
My goal is to lose 10 pounds in 30 days and loose a few inches around my waist and stomach- I think that is attainable and realistic. My goal weight is 185 pounds, I would like to fit into my size 12’s comfortably, and overall get HEALTHY!!!!!!! Once I reach my goal weight and flatten the tummy-I will do something I’ve always wanted to do- a boudoir photo shot!!!!!!! Who’s with me??????
**waves** I know you want too- #LetsGo!!!!!!!!!
P.S. I decided NOT to post my "before"pictures ( I will post them on Sept 1st) and I will NOT step on the scale again until Sept 1st. Make sure you take pictures of your body during the 30 days and we will post at a later time.
Be sure to follow the hastag #DivaGettingFit on FaceBook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Disclaimer: The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your health care provider before starting any eating or exercise program